Blue Bird Primary Book Day Join us at Blue Bird Primary for a magical Book Day Dress-Up! Dive into your favorite stories, transform into beloved characters, and let's celebrate the...
As we come to the end of a wonderful year, we look forward to celebrating together in our beautiful garden. Pack your picnic basket and join us for a special...
Wings Ceremony Join us for some bubbles and refreshments under the trees as we gather to say farewell to some of our Purple and Navy hats children who are leaving...
Concert Our annual concerts are a highlight for staff, parents and children alike. Every performance is a celebration of such growth and maturation in the lives of every child on...
Bluebird staff and parents extend a very warm welcome to all our new families who will be joining us in 2022. Don’t miss this event as it is a wonderful...
Pop-Up Market – Yellow Hats Come ready to spend some money, Bluebirdies! It’s the Yellow Hats turn to provide the yummy treats, healthy options and fun items which will be...
There is no better way of celebrating Bluebird’s birthday than having a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in our garden. Children are invited to come to school dressed in “Colours of Springtime”...
What a joy to host Spring Day for the special people in our childrens’ lives. After enjoying a delicious tea in our garden, the children will invite Granny and Grandpa...
Our Inaugural gold day was such a fantastic vent from start to finish. Thanks to our Bluebird community of parents, friends, sponsors, and partner schools for making this day such...